Monday, July 14, 2008

Great Summer Reads

Just finished a couple of books that I think many people would be interested in for their summer reading time or just to add to a gift list for the future. The first book, which was a Father's Day gift from my son Andy is titled, We Might As Well Win, by Johan Bruyneel. Bruyneel, the winningest team leader in cycling history, was the mastermind behind the success of Lance Armstrong's Tour de France victories. He knows what it takes to win and throughout the book there are examples that can be applied to all sports, business in general, and life on a day-to-day basis. The whole book gives stirring examples of life on the Tour and what it took to win and how strategies, planning, studying the opponent, out thinking others, and giving maximum effort can be a tremendous factor in success at the highest level. It is a recipe for life. His innovative leadership style is catching and motivating. I found many times that I could just not put the book down because so much was happening that applied to many things that I do. It is fantastic!

The other book, Running Through The Wall, Personal Encounters With the Ultramarathon by Neal Jamison is a collection of absolutely amazing stories from ultrarunners about their experiences in ultra running. To quote the back cover, " This book is a great inspiration not only to current ultrarunners, and to marathoners looking for the next challenge- but also to runners of all abilities, who will see that there is nothing you can't do if you have the desire.". The book gives an inside look at what makes ultrarunners tick, training required, their desire to explore their own personal limits and beyond. It lets you see what it's like to run ultras from beginners to experienced runners . The stories are informational, entertaining, and just flat out amazing. Their personal accounts of the races they ran can serve as a learning point for all interested in testing the ultra distances. Stories that deal with fatigue, blisters, nausea, and despair are countered with stories of hope, love, healing, self-discovery, friendship, selflessness, and triumph. As a new ultrarunner myself, the book gives me a foundation for building on my future races and training. Also, the advice from the experiences that these runners have had is priceless. Another "can't put it down book"!

Forward we go! May your roads and trails be happy and safe!

1 comment:

Neal Jamison said...


Thanks for the kind review about my book. I learned so much while compiling those stories. I am glad to see that others find reading it as inspiring and helpful as I did putting it together.

Happy running...