Monday, June 9, 2008

Viewing and Listening in the Mountains

Sometimes as runners we have the opportunity to travel and see places that are really fantastic. I recently was in Estes Park, Colorado and while downtown ventured into a small shop called Morning Light Photography. The studio had many outstanding photographs of the Rocky Mountain area. It was a runner's dream as far as places that one could find photos of trails and meadows in which to run and hike. The owner's work was incredible. I encourage you to go to his website and see some of his work. The images will captivate you. While in his studio, he was playing a CD that the moment I heard it I knew I had to have. It is by Stephen Tipton and is titled Hoyannah! The CD consists of traditional hymns on the Native American flute. A truly inspirational experience. Sometimes we all just need to take a moment and enjoy the surroundings. The Rocky Mountains make you do just that.

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